Foot Health

01226 293693
Clinic and mobile appointments available
Privacy Notice to all Patients
You may be aware that there are new regulations coming into force in May 2018 regarding Data Protection. The Foot Health Practice are passionate about protecting your personal information and are committed to being transparent with regards to the information that we hold about you, why this information is taken, who has access to the information and how it is stored and used securely. This document has been compiled to explain this.
What Data will be collected/processed?
Your name, address, telephone number, email address, next of kin details, date of birth, GP details, medical history/details (including current medication)
For what purpose is the Data collected and used?
We use your data to enable The Foot Health Practice to provide treatment to you. If appropriate/necessary, we may also contact your GP with any findings where onward referral outside of our remit of treatment is required. We may also use your contact details to provide you with appointment reminders as necessary via telephone, SMS, letter or email. Your data will not be used for any other purposes without first informing you and, if necessary, seeking your consent.
What is our lawful basis for processing your data?
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we process your data under Article 6 (1f), legitimate interests, as it is necessary to enable us to provide you with our services. Where we process special categories of data under the GDPR (namely data concerning your health), we rely on Article 9 (2h) – provision and management of a health service.
Who will have access to the Data?
Only relevant Foot Health Practice staff will be able to access data held about you, other than in limited circumstances where it may be necessary to share you information with your GP for the purposes of onward referrals. At no point will any of your personal information be passed on to any other third party, without first asking for your explicit consent.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Foot Health Practice will be the sole data controller for your information. Our booking system is paper based.
How will the Data be stored?
All paper-based information is stored securely within the clinic, with limited contact and appointment information stored in our paper desk diary.
How long will the Data be stored?
In line with the legal requirements of holding medical data, your record is stored for 7 years (or in the case of a minor until that minor reaches the age of 25 years) from the date of last treatment by us.
When will the Data be destroyed?
All data will be destroyed after 7 years, or in the case of a minor once that minor reaches the age of 25 years
Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
The Foot Health Practice is registered with the ICO and our registration number ZA322892.
How to contact us if you wish to invoke your data protection rights
Under the new regulations, you have a number of rights concerning any personal data we hold about you, including:
Right of access
Right to rectification
Right to erasure
Right to restriction of processing
Right to data portability
Right to object
Should you wish to invoke any of these rights, please contact us to discuss further.
Email: tfhpbarnsley@gmail.com
Tel: 01226293693
Post: The Foot Health Practice, 6 Eldon Arcade, Barnsley S70 2JP
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